Niyamgamdora Vidyalaya School Established February 27, 2012

Niyamgamdora Community Profile
The village of Niyamgamdora is located in Nuwara Eliya District, about 180 kilometers from the city of Colombo. Travel to this region is limited due to narrow, bumpy, and windy roads that are in poor condition. However, these roads offer incredible views of the area.
Nuwara Eliya District is famous for tea production. During colonial times, English tea planters gathered in the town of Nuwara Eliya to celebrate social events. Adam's Peak, a very famous, tall, conical mountain, is also located in this district, drawing local and foreign tourists to the area. The area is also famous for cultivating vegetables as well as for growing flowers for commercial purposes.
Most of the villagers earn their livelihood by farming or performing manual labor. They depend on the rains for paddy cultivation, which they harvest twice a year. During the fallow periods, they seek work in the adjoining villages. The houses here are built with burnt or unburnt bricks, and the roofs are covered in clay tiles or corrugated galvanized iron (CGI) sheets. Though electricity is available in the village, residents have to collect water from common wells.
Nuwara Eliya District is famous for tea production. During colonial times, English tea planters gathered in the town of Nuwara Eliya to celebrate social events. Adam's Peak, a very famous, tall, conical mountain, is also located in this district, drawing local and foreign tourists to the area. The area is also famous for cultivating vegetables as well as for growing flowers for commercial purposes.
Most of the villagers earn their livelihood by farming or performing manual labor. They depend on the rains for paddy cultivation, which they harvest twice a year. During the fallow periods, they seek work in the adjoining villages. The houses here are built with burnt or unburnt bricks, and the roofs are covered in clay tiles or corrugated galvanized iron (CGI) sheets. Though electricity is available in the village, residents have to collect water from common wells.
The Niyamgamdora Community Profile