We've put together a handful of videos for various events and hope that this video collection will grow over time. The videos are on You Tube and available for all to see. Enjoy!
The sophomore daughter of a friend of Al and Anne's at the Sage Ridge School (an independent school in Reno, Nevada) formed a club to raise funds to build a school in Nicaragua. The club was successful in raising over $30,000 to build a school. Opportunity For All matched this school and BuildOn has matched both of these schools so the Sage Ridge Club's efforts will result in the construction of four schools in Nicaragua in 2011. This 13 minute video was put together for a fundraising event the club held. It starts with clips from Opportunity for All schools in Mali and Laos, but the majority of the video are the reflections of a number of BuildOn high school students from Detroit who traveled to Nicaragua in the summer of 2010 to build a school in La Soledad.
SageRidge Presentation Jan 2011

In August, 2011, a group of student and adults from the Sage Ridge School club traveled to Nicaragua to help build the school they had funded in Rio Negro. This video, produce by Janet Lowe, one of the parents on the journey tells the story of this rewarding trip. The 28 minute video is broken down into 3 parts.
Sage Ridge Trek, Rio Negro, Nicaragua, August 2011

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
In November 2010, Opportunity For All's Anne Studabaker and Al O'Connor journeyed to northern Laos to visit three schools that we have built in Phongsaly province: Vangdoy, Sopkay and Nammatay. They first met with Room to Read's country staff in the capital of Vientiane before heading north. This 8 minute video is a collection of photos and short film clips from that trip.
Laos Visit, November, 2010

N'Jtola (Mali, West Africa) was the first school we built in Africa in the summer of 2010. This 3 minute video was compiled from buildOn film clips showing the joyous ceremony which took place upon the arrival of the buildON trek, the signing of the covenant and the construction of the school's foundation.
N'Tjola. A school in Mali, West Africa, August, 2010.